Major Updates for LUTs and Plugins
EOS Alpha LUTs - Launch Version 2
this is Version 2! Please check the PDF in the folder you will download
re-built from the ground up
new PDF guide
tweaked colour science
False Colour LUTs
various improvements
New Plugin for Final Cut Pro
introduced the “Density” plugin - a plugin for subtractive saturation (film-like saturation)
Automatically included in “Aesthetic Alchemy” and “Studio Collection”
All Plugins & Plugin Bundles
performance improvements and bug fixes
improved user interface consistency between the plugins
new default values so plugins work straight out of the box
all plugins now have a “Mix” slider that lets you adjust the overall intensity of the effect
new “Density”-plugin is automatically included in the update for “Aesthetic Alchemy” and “Studio Collection”
Adjustment Layer
fixed an issue with wide-gamut and HDR projects
Anamorphic Lens Flare
added a boost slider
general improvements
Animated Letterbox
added a version with auto-animation
added boost slider
enhanced light scattering process
Check Layer
fixed an issue where underlying footage would be visible when using the eye-dropper mask
added “Sweep” slider for “Chroma Only” - Lets you sweep the range so you can spot all colours
Channel Mixer
added missing controls
added alpha channel
fixed an issue where the halation would disappear on projects with a wider aspect ratio than 16:9
improved halation process